Welcome to my blog. My name is Jamie and my husband and I have recently moved to the country and this blog is about our adventures. It is also about the things that God is doing in our lives. I love to decorate and entertain so there will be posts about that. Sit back, have a cup of coffee and welcome to my world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

This year one of my main goals is to take better care of my body. I have just discovered this year the reason I haven't is because I just didn't know how valuable I was in God's eyes. This truly came as a surpise to me. So in the process I am renewing my mind with the word of God of what he says about this temple. It is His dwelling place and I want it to bring glory to Him. I am reading Look Great Feel Great by: Joyce Meyer. The following is from her book, it will give you something to think about.

Successful lives are made of successful days. Look how far you've come. Envision the life you want and what can you do today just today to get one step closer to that life.

I want to be healthy to have the energy to do whatever God calls me to do at any moment. He is willinging to help me, if I will let him. As I choose to do what is right and lean on Him to give me strength His power will enable me to follow through and experience victory. I am so thankful that God loves me unconditional and He has a great plan for my life. I am so thankful that He has never left me or forsaken me. I hope you know how much He loves you.

1 comment:

  1. "Successful lives are made of successful days." Great statement. Thanks for sharing that. You are already a great blogger!


Thanks, I love hearing from you.